Position Overview
The Worship Pastor (WP) position is first and foremost a church planting position intended to work alongside the other staff members to help create a healthy, reproducing, and Gospel-centered church body. The WP exists to help lead people to grow in maturity in Christ and our core value of worshipping like there is no other God. The WP will be responsible for overseeing all worship gatherings and related ancillaries (i.e. worship
team, online experience, etc.). This is more than just an “on-stage worship leader”. This person needs to have the ability to lead others humbly, develop leaders regularly, create transformative experiences effectively, and equip others accordingly.
Staff Expectations
At Direction Church, all staff members are church planters. Therefore, we expect every staff member to be effective and perhaps proficient in all of the following areas:
Evangelism: Each staff person is expected to actively build relationships with lost people and be able to share the gospel with them.
Discipleship: Each staff person is expected to equip believers to multiply themselves by reaching lost people and walking with them in the direction of Jesus.
Connection: Each staff person is expected to actively build relationships with those attending Direction in order to help get them connected into the life of the church body.
Service: Each staff person is expected to help plan, execute, and attend all outreach and community service events the church either creates or takes part.
Leadership: Each staff person is expected to be a leader of leaders. If a staff member is unable to delegate authority, assign tasks, and equip others for the work of ministry, they will not be an effective member of the team.
About Direction Church
Direction Church is a new church with a big vision for the Des Moines area of central Iowa, which has a rapidly growing population and unique Midwest culture. We exist to walk with people in the direction of Jesus. We worship like there is no other God, pray like it all depends on God, give like it all belongs to God, and love like every heart matters
to God.